Over 15 years of experience in web development and design. Interested in new UI technologies, web components and mobile design. Excellent communication skills, especially as part of a team. Conscientious, a problem solver, with the ability to look at development processes from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Many associates say my sense of humor and stoicism are team assets.

Softgiving, Inc.

Senior Software Developer

Jul 2018 - Current

Softgiving, Inc. offers fundraising solutions for charities. We pivoted early and often, landing in the online streaming world.

Designed and developed multiple UIs (Admin, Streamer Portal, Donation UI, Stream Overlays) and played lead role in taking our stack from a monolithic Rails app to React.js SPAs with serverless APIs.

  • Reduced hosting costs from $60k per year to less than $2k after initiating the move to Serverless
  • As the company pivoted, created multiple POCs that evolved into revenue-generating features
  • Mentored junior developers and worked with executive team to identify product opportunities
ReactReact Hook FormMaterial UIReact QueryPusherReduxNextJSAWSNodeJSRubyRails

Freelance Developer

Software Developer

Jan 2017 - Current

Developed POC projects for non-profit organizations. Initial buildouts and POC development for early stage startups.

  • Front end development using React, Redux, GraphQL
  • Light backend development using Node, Express, GraphQL
  • Other technologies - React Native (expo) and Electron
ReactReduxReact Hook FormMaterial UIReact QueryNextJSHerokuNodeJS

Kyrio, Inc.

Front End Developer (contract)

Apr 2016 - Dec 2016

Part of a small team at Kyrio, a startup created by CableLabs, that took a monolithic POC and created a production-ready app for the cable industry with a StrongLoop backend and React SPA UI.

  • Production React.js and idiomatic Redux front end development using Material UI
  • Creation of reusable, modular Redux adapter
  • Support of CI/Testing environments using Tape.js, Enzyme.js
ReactReduxMaterial UIAWSFormikNodeJS

CA Technologies, Inc.

Principal Software Developer

Nov 2013 - Jul 2015

Hired at CA Technologies to help their Platform team develop a UI Component Library for use by internal business units and to bring a startup mindset to a small team operating within an enormous company.

  • Designed custom components using Ext JS
  • Created multi tenant SaaS administration UI
  • Support of CI/Testing environments using Casper.js, Phantom.js

SAS Institute, Inc.

Senior Software Developer

Nov 2012 - Nov 2013

SAS Institute aquired the entire rPath development team and placed us in SAS R&D. Within days, completed the initial conversion/rebrand of our UI. Created a Grails app that exercised the rPath Engine to orchestrate a basic cloud-based SAS installation in 15 minutes, saving 3 days over previous methods.

  • Created Groovy on Grails MVC application with HTML/JSON endpoints for managing vApps on cloud.sas.com
  • Development of iOS application to manage cloud environments, tenants, users and applications

rPath, Inc.

Senior Software Developer

2010 - 2012

rPath's rBuilder modeled and managed system level components and dependencies under version control and allowed organizations the ability to automate the process of constructing, deploying and updating software.

Developed the Flex UI that exposed a high-level view of all layers of an organization's systems, while allowing the user to drill down and inspect/update a single dependency or changeset on an individual application server.

  • Implemented Flex UI using Parsley, including design of a reactive Command/Interceptor framework
  • Created reusable UI components for display of complex, nested data and changeset diffs
  • Assisted with design of internal REST API

Lulu Enterprises, Inc.

Senior UI Engineer

2007 - 2010

Lulu is a global, print-on-demand publishing and ecommerce platform.

On my first day, placed on a small team tasked with creating WYSIWYG Flex/Flash UIs for the Studio product line (Photobook, Calendar, Cover Editor). For most of my tenure, I was the sole UI engineer on these products.

As photobooks and calendars were expensive to produce, verisimilitude was a key requirement. The studio team was able to offer a print tolerance of less than 3 millimeters. The Studio UIs were used successfully for over a decade with minimal changes.

  • With Studio team, created MVC publishing platform using Adobe Flex and Actionscript
  • Created Flash graphical assets based on creative mockups
  • Refactored legacy PHP for modularity and reuse

Astral Brands, LLC.

E-Commerce Manager, Programmer

2003 - 2006

As the sole developer at Astral Brands, I filled several roles, including web designer, application programmer, data analyst, and project manager. (Also Nortel telephony installation, Before & After beauty photos, and product packaging design)

  • Management of overall web marketing strategy, hiring key creatives, managing third party developers
  • Site design, development and maintenance of over a dozen ecommerce sites and web properties hosted and maintained by Astral
  • Analytical reports and statistics from databases and database backups and maintenance
  • Implementation and management of product feeds to third party vendors

University of Georgia - Athens, GA BA, Theater
Drama Studio London - London, UK Post-Grad, Performance
Players’ Workshop of the Second City - Chicago, IL

Tech Stacks

ReactReduxReact Hook FormMaterial UIReact QueryPusherNextJSAWSHerokuStrongLoopFormikNodeJSExtJSOpenShiftODataActionScriptFlexPHPRubyRailsGroovyGrailsPerl